基本情况 | 徐川岚,女,1993年生,重庆永川,中共党员,博士,讲师。从事化学工艺教学与科研工作。 | |
研究方向 | 主要从事电化学能源转换技术的研究工作,燃料电池阴极催化材料的研发。 | |
学习及工作经历 | 2023/9–至今 | 四川轻化工大学,讲师 |
2019/9–2023/6 | 重庆大学,博士 | |
2016/9–2019/6 | 重庆大学,研究生 | |
2011/9–2015/6 | 四川农业大学,本科 | |
教学工作 | 主要从事氢能与燃料电池、催化工程等课程教学工作。 | |
科研项目 | 近五年参与主要项目: 1. 国家自然科学基金两项(21805024,22275026) 2. 重庆市自然科学基金面上项目(cstc2021jcyj-msxmX0783) 3. 重庆市教育委员会科学技术研究项目(KJZD-K202101303) | |
科研成果 | 近五年主要论文与专利: [1] Xu C, Guo C, Liu J, Hu B, Chen H, Li G, Xu X, Shu C, Li H,Chen C. Bioinspired Hydrophobicity Coupled with Single Fe-N4 Sites Promotes Oxygen Diffusion for Efficient Zinc-Air Batteries[J]. Small, 2023: 2207675. [2] Xu C, Guo C, Liu J, Hu B, Dai J, Wang M, Jin R, Luo Z, Li H,Chen C. Accelerating the oxygen adsorption kinetics to regulate the oxygen reduction catalysis via Fe3C nanoparticles coupled with single Fe-N4 sites[J]. Energy Storage Materials, 2022, 51: 149-158. [3] Xu C, Si Y, Hu B, Xu X, Hu B, Jiang Y, Chen H, Guo C, Li H,Chen C. Promoting oxygen reduction via crafting bridge-bonded oxygen ligands on a single-atom iron catalyst[J]. Inorganic Chemistry Frontiers, 2022, 9: 3306-3318 [4] Xu C, Chen P, Hu B, Xiang Q, Cen Y, Hu B, Liu L, Liu Y, Yu D,Chen C. Porous nickel electrodes with controlled texture for the hydrogen evolution reaction and sodium borohydride electrooxidation[J]. CrystEngComm, 2020, 22: 4228-4237. [5] Li G, Liu J, Xu C, Chen H, Hu H, Jin R, Sun L, Chen H, Guo C, Li H,Si Y. Regulating the Fe-spin state by Fe/Fe3C neighbored single Fe-N4 sites in defective carbon promotes the oxygen reduction activity[J]. Energy Storage Materials, 2023, 56: 394-402. [6] Hu B, Chen P, Xu C, Meng J, Cai J, Yang Y, Zhang B, Yu D, Zhou X,Chen C. Hierarchical leaf-shaped Ni@Zn bimetallic catalyst with high stability and selectivity for borohydride oxidation[J]. Applied Catalysis B: Environmental, 2022, 307: 121183. [7] Xu X, Xu C, Liu J, Jin R, Luo X, Shu C, Chen H, Guo C, Xu L,Si Y. The synergistic effect of “soft-hard template” to in situ regulate mass transfer and defective sites of doped-carbon nanostructures for catalysis of oxygen reduction[J]. Journal of Alloys and Compounds, 2023, 939: 168782. [8] Hu B, Xu C, Chen P, Yu J, Hu B, Xiang Q, Cen Y, Liu Y, Yu D,Chen C. Efficient nickel catalyst with preferred orientation and microsphere for direct borohydride fuel cell[J]. International Journal of Hydrogen Energy, 2021, 46: 27516-27528. | |
荣誉与获奖 | 无 | |
联系方式 | E-mail: 3516919845@qq.com |