


姜亮,男,199312月出生,四川广安人,中共党员,博士,讲师,在化学工程学院从事教学与科研工作研究方向是非均相催化生物质高值化转化和精细化学品选择性转化研究,相关成果以第一作者或共同第一作者在Science AdvancesACS CatalysisGreen ChemistryChemical ScienceChemSusChem等国际知名期刊发表。先后主持校级人才引进项目1项,四川省自然科学基金(青年基金项目)1项。


1. 非均相催化剂的设计和制备

2. 生物质平台分子的高效催化转化

3. 小分子化合物的选择性催化转化



四川轻化工大学        讲师


中国科学技术大学  化学      博士


中南民族大学      物理化学  硕士


中南民族大学      材料化学  本科




1. 四川轻化工大学人才引进项目,杂元素掺杂碳材料包覆过渡态金属纳米粒子催化剂的制备及其在催化生物质平台化合物转化方面的应用,2023RC05,2023.10-2025.10,5万,主持;

2. 四川省自然科学基金(青年基金项目),磷修饰增强金属-载体电子相互作用及其调控生物基呋喃化合物选择性加氢的机制研究,2024NSFSC1112, 2024.1-2025.12,10万,主持。


1. Liang Jiang, Guangyue Xu, Yao Fu*, Catalytic cleavage of C-O bond in lignin and lignin-derived aryl ethers over Ni/AlPyOx catalysts, ACS Catal., 2022, 12, 9473-9485.

2. Liang Jiang, Guangyue Xu, Yao Fu*, A nitrogen-doped carbon modified nickel catalyst for the hydrogenation of levulinic acid under mild conditions, Green Chem., 2021, 23, 7065-7073.

3. Liang Jiang, Haiwei Guo, Changzhi Li*, Peng Zhou, Zehui Zhang*, Selective cleavage of lignin and lignin model compounds without external hydrogen, catalyzed by heterogeneous nickel catalysts, Chem. Sci., 2019, 10, 4458-4468.

4. Liang Jiang, Peng Zhou, Chanjuan Liao, Zehui Zhang*, Shiwei Jin, Nitrogen-doped carbon supported Co catalysts: An effective none-noble metal catalyst for the upgrade of biofuels, ChemSusChem, 2018, 11, 959-964.

5. Peng Zhou, Liang Jiang, Fan Wang, Kejian Deng, Kangle Lv, Zehui Zhang*, High performance of a cobalt–nitrogen complex for the reduction and reductive coupling of nitro compounds into amines and their derivatives, Sci. Adv., 2017, 3, e1601945. 共一

6. Liang Jiang, Peng Zhou, Zehui Zhang*, Shiwei Jin, Quan Chi, Synthesis of Secondary Amines from One-Pot Reductive Amination with Formic Acid as the Hydrogen Donor over an Acid-Resistant Cobalt Catalyst, Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 2017, 5644, 12556-12565.

7. Liang Jiang, Peng Zhou, Zehui Zhang*, Quan Chi, Shiwei Jin*, Environmentally friendly synthesis of secondary amines via one-pot reductive amination over heterogeneous Co-Nx catalyst, New J. Chem., 2017, 41, 11991-11997. 

8. Liang Jiang, Zehui Zhang*, Efficient transfer hydrogenation of nitro compounds over a magnetic palladium catalyst, Int. J. Hydrogen Energy, 2016, 41, 22983-22990.

9. Shuguo Wang, Peng Zhou, Liang Jiang, Zehui Zhang*, Kejian Deng, Yuhua Zhang, Yanxi Zhao, Jinlin Li, Steven Bottle, Huaiyong Zhu, Selective deoxygenation of carbonyl groups at room temperature and atmospheric hydrogen pressure over nitrogen-doped carbon supported Pd catalyst, J. Catal.,2018, 368, 207-216.

10. Peng Zhou, Zehui Zhang*, Liang Jiang, Changlin Yu, Kangle Lv, Jie Sun, Shuguo Wang, A versatile cobalt catalyst for the reductive amination of carbonyl compounds with nitro compounds by transfer hydrogenation, Appl. Catal., B, 2017, 210, 522-532.


Tel.: 13698244556     Email: ljianghr@mail.ustc.edu.cn